My name is Giovanna, I was born in Ecuador and moved to New York at a very young age. I was raised in Brooklyn, New York.
I come from a very big family, I have three younger brothers. I currently live with my parents and my grandmother. Actually I just moved back to New York because for a while I was living in Albany. I’m a recent college graduate.
Right now I am saving up to do my masters and gaining work experience. I’m considering majoring in hospitality and tourism because I’m very good at customer service and I love working with people. I love to travel, so that would be a great way to do that. One other plan I have is to get into event planning because I love the whole aspect of planning and seeing how everything comes together.
At sundays I am a brand ambassador and a receptionist. I’m 22 years old and I am happy to incorporate my experience in the future. My job gives me a lot of experience how to communicate with other individuals and I think it’s a great way to start my career.
sundays, in my opinion, is a place where people can come and not be judged. We cater to both, men and women. I love how there’s no separation between the two and everybody can come in and feel as comfortable as they like. The team that works here in the sense of friendliness and the friendships that we build is amazing. I get to learn something new everyday from seeing the diversity of people in the studio.
– Beauty is being yourself. Being comfortable in your own skin.
– Confidence for me is very similar to beauty. They go hand in hand. Confidence is about walking into a room and talking to whole bunch of other people without worrying what they think about you. No shame showing who I am and what I do.
– Three words that describe me best: ambitious, outgoing, loving.
– A word that sums up sundays: different.
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