You’d probably never link mediation to getting your nails done. At sundays, meditation and getting a nontoxic mani go hand in hand! Our sundays founder, Amy Lin, came up with the idea of offering meditation at our studios since most women already use getting a manicure as a way to take a break and find their inner peace: “It’s the perfect combination! Since you’ll be sitting still for next half hour, why not relax your mind & body?”.
So, she partnered with Valerie Oula (a KRI certified Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher, and Reiki master teacher) to create a customized, guided meditation, ranging from 10-15 mins, which is easy to follow even for first-time meditators. Our guided manicure meditation was created specifically for sundays, giving you 6 themes to choose from including: Grounding Yourself, Gratitude, Clarity, Focus, Letting Go, and Relaxation. Meditation is a mindful practice to help you to clear your mind, focus, relax, and even learn to let go.
Whether you’re at home or traveling, we believe mediation is an essential part of your wellness journey. Taking 10 mins of your time away from what you are doing to focus on your breath, can help you be more present in the moment and boost your energy and overall mood. Want to give meditation a try but not sure where to start? Read on to get the highlights from our Tea Talk episode where Amy and Valerie share incredible Tips For First-Time Meditators.
Tip #1 – Be Gentle With Yourself
This tip is one of our favorites because the message is so simple, yet important. Whenever we try something new, we tend to be hard on ourselves. Often times, we strive for our results to look the way we think it should look and even compare ourselves to the experts.
When starting meditation, remember to be gentle with your thoughts and take it one day at a time. Recognize that putting one foot forward is already such a huge step. Wellness is an ongoing journey. It isn’t about mastering the route to a final destination, instead, it’s a never-ending voyage that you travel and grow on day by day.
Tip #2 – Join the community
As a first-time meditator, we encourage you to join a meditation class or try doing it with a group of people. Many of us tend to get frustrated when trying something new and there’s nothing like the support of a community to help you keep faith and stay motivated.
Similar to being on a team, being a part of a class may be a great resource when you have questions or need someone to talk to. It can also be comforting to see that others are on the same stage as you. Seeing that you’re not the only one having trouble staying focused may help you see that you aren’t in this alone.
Tip #3 – Appreciate Every Small Step
We can’t stress enough how important it is to be gentle with yourself and appreciate small wins. Life is unpredictable. We encourage you to be flexible and patient as your meditation routine may change due to your busy schedule. While the thought is nice, sometimes you won’t be able to meditate at the same time each day. There may also be times where you feel like you made a lot of progress one day and the next day you feel like you’re back at square one.
Appreciate every small step, even if it’s as little as mediating for a minute at a time. Do what feels right and move at your own pace. Meditation is not a competition, it’s a calming practice to help you feel centered and grounded.
Tip #4 – Find Your Own Wellness Routine
Most people don’t think they need to practice meditation or that it’s not effective. It’s totally fine if you learn that you aren’t a fan of meditation, but we do encourage you to give yourself a chance to see how you like it.
There’s no right or wrong way to meditate. We encourage you to start where you’re at and practice meditation in a way that suits you. Self-care and meditation looks different for everyone. Whether you’re treating yourself to a nontoxic manicure or drinking tea in the morning, practice intentional mindfulness with something that helps soothe you and brings you peace. People can also find their own wellness routine while taking a long walk, reading, or exercising, as long as you find something that helps you stay present in the moment then you’re meditating 😉
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