Kara Ladd is on mission to connect modern mindfulness to the masses

Kara Ladd is a spiritual storyteller and brand strategist on a mission to connect modern mindfulness to the masses.

Ladd is the Founder of KL Consulting, a conscious marketing consultancy that leads holistic brand building for healers, wellness travel destinations & consumer packaged brands. She connects with others often through her writing (contributing editorially & via her monthly column, Growing FWD) as well as on social media.

When not writing, building brands or researching new spiritual self discovery systems, you can find Kara in Dumbo, Brooklyn with her partner & plants.

What advice would you give your younger self around wellness?

I’d tell her that she will find wellness when she slows down and roots *deeply* in the present. Enjoy all the facials and manicures and wellness retreats, but experience every moment as an opportunity to choose wellbeing. Come home to yourself.

What are some of your favorite tips or tricks from your wellness ritual? 

I love saying my list of gratitudes out loud while doing my morning skin care routine! It’s about deciding how I want to feel that day and appreciating how abundant my life already is. After taking care of myself, I’m ready to be of service. I also feel like I’m adding beauty to the world by caring for both my spirit & my body.

What are some common misconceptions about wellness?

The biggest misconception is that we need to consume so much. I’d encourage people to focus on being themselves more than doing all the wellness things. We can get lost in routines & consumption, thinking it’s going to change us or our appearance for the better. Rather, it’s more sustainable to treat ourselves with acceptance and respect, constantly feeling into which routines / products are in alignment with us.

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